Irene AuyoungIrene Auyoung emigrated from Hong Kong to California 39 years ago. She grew up in a Taoist family. She attended a Catholic school as a child. When Irene came to the United States, she became a Buddhist. For many years she practiced and learned from several religions. About 4 years ago, she met a Ghedee priest from the region of West Africa. She has been studying energy and vibration and the transformation of energy. Irene Auyoung’s work is based on her ability to sense and to express to others the qualities and experience of different energetic vibrations. She works with clients from that base to communicate and assist in promoting balance and harmony in their lives and in their spaces. Irene’s connection with the vibration of the energy of quartz, stones, and minerals enables her to recommend specific ones for particular needs. She willingly engages each client to help them sense, feel, and interpret the response in their own body to the vibration of a specific stone. In doing so, Irene empowers those entering her store to make their own best choice of which stone, quartz, or mineral is exactly what that person wants and needs. |